Women's Bible Study

At TCW, we believe all of God's word points us to the gospel and the gospel is transforming lives, families, communities and, eventually, the world. This fall we will study Galatians: Gospel Matters by Tim Keller. The Galatian church was torn between the view that their efforts saved them, and the gospel, which told them that it was Christ's work, not theirs, that mattered. The choice still confronts us today making this a hugely relevant and exciting book to study.
Two days/times to choose from!
Wednesday mornings 9:00-10:30am, Sept. 11th-Oct. 23rd (Hana's home: Minnetonka; children welcome)
Thursday mornings 9:30-11:00am, Sept. 12th-Oct. 24th (Laurie's home: Wayzata)
Register here to choose which study you will attend
Purchase a book online before the first meeting.