In 2017, a handful of families united around a shared vision for a gospel-centered, community-serving church in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. After much prayer and planning, this group of individuals became the founding members of Trinity Church Wayzata (TCW). In the summer of 2021, TCW called the mission-aligned Rev. Matt Ryman to be our church’s planter and pastor. 

Since our first worship service in the fall of 2022, TCW continues to grow spiritually and numerically as our name and mission move throughout the community. We proudly invite people from all backgrounds and life experiences to worship and grow with us! Our intention is to build an approachable community where generations of people can connect with God as well as one another – no matter where they are in their faith journey.

Trinity Church Wayzata strives to be a place where newcomers feel welcome and wanted, where church members experience genuine community and spiritual growth, and where we all are equipped and encouraged to use our God-given gifts to transform our city for the glory of God.



At Trinity Church, we approach sharing the gospel with equal parts truth and grace. Imagine our message is playing out of a stereo, and we want to get the sound just right. On our fader, we’re not adjusting the bass and treble, we’re turning knobs labeled “truth” and “grace”. 

Rather than blast one or the other, we’ve found the right combination to be, well, blasting both! With a lot of truth and not enough grace, people feel judged and isolated. With a lot of grace and not much truth, there’s acceptance and community, but people don’t really have a direction or a mission to guide them.

So, here, we aim to crank up both truth and grace to build a welcoming, judgment-free community that is led by Jesus. It’s not about what we’ve done or the mistakes we made; it’s all about how God is transforming us through Jesus.


Trinity Church Wayzata exists to be a surprisingly loving and welcoming congregation where anyone and everyone can experience radical grace, enjoy genuine community, and engage in the renewal of society; for the glory of God and the good of the Twin Cities.


To make the unexpectedly good news about Jesus Christ known in the western suburbs; through gospel-centered worship, teaching, and service.


Radical GRACE

We strive to extend grace to one another just like God has extended grace to us.

We recognize everything we are and everything we have is from God; not us.

Spiritual GROWTH
We make an effort to grow spiritually by practicing the ordinary means of grace.

We strive to reach people, and raise up leaders, from every generation.

We give generously of our time, talent, and treasure because God has been generous to us.