• We believe the Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. We believe it is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.

  • We believe in the Holy Trinity: one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are equal in power and glory. 

  • We believe that all people are sinners and totally unable to save themselves from God’s righteous judgment.

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him for salvation.

  • We believe that people are saved from the judgment we all deserve by God’s grace alone through faith in Christ alone for the glory of God alone. 

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells God’s people and gives them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him.

  • We believe Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind, receive His people to Himself, and make all things new. 

  • We believe that all aspects of our lives are to be lived to the glory of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.



Everything we do at Trinity is centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are committed to avoiding the two ditches on the sides of the gospel road: relativism and legalism. We avoid relativism (nothing is truly true) by taking God at His word and humbly submitting to the things He has revealed therein. We avoid legalism (salvation by works) by ensuring the gospel is preached and taught consistently along with regular reminders that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, and not by what we do. 


We believe Reformed Theology provides the most faithful articulation of the teaching/doctrine found in God's word. However, we also strive to avoid being dogmatic and rigid. Our goal is to enjoy and promote Reformed Theology while honoring and respecting our sisters and brothers in Christ who hold different (biblically warranted) beliefs.   


We believe the primary responsibility of a local church is to preach the gospel and make disciples. And yet, we believe well-made disciples who faithfully live in a manner worthy of the gospel will joyfully and passionately labor to be salt and light in their city. We believe well-made disciples will seek to be a blessing where they live, work, and play. And we believe well-made disciples labor to see mercy and justice prevail within their areas of influence. For these reasons, we are longing and laboring to have a lasting impact on the Twin Cities for Christ.  We do this through our ministries, various partnerships, and church planting.  


We believe there is no more effective way to advance the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ than planting new churches; locally and globally. Although Trinity herself is a church plant, we are already dreaming and planning to plant more churches. If God sees fit to bless us with numerical growth, we intend to send out Launch Teams to plant more churches in the Twin Cities. 



TCW is currently non-denominational. That is, we are not affiliated with a particular denomination. Our pastor, Matt Ryman, is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. The Siouxlands Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America has granted Matt permission to minister in a non-denominational church, and they have elected a committee that provides Matt with oversight and accountability (which he desires). 

Although we are a non-denominational church, we intend to utilize a Presbyterian approach to church leadership. This means the church will be shepherded and guided by ordained Elders and Deacons who will address the spiritual and physical needs of the congregation and community respectively. TCW's Elders and Deacons will be nominated and elected by the congregation, trained by the pastor, and ordained by the church. 

The word "Presbyterian" comes from the Greek word for Elder (Presbuteros). Churches that utilize a Presbyterian church governance style benefit from what has been historically been called "the plurality of Elders." This means there isn't any one person in charge. Instead, all of the Elders of the church (including the pastor) operate as a team of shepherds who make decisions that will affect the church by prayerfully discussing the options, seeking guidance in God's word, and taking a vote. We believe this approach is biblically based and helps the church's leadership effectively care for the congregation and bless the community.

We are also part of the Midwest Alliance; a church planting network with a desire to see 140 new churches launched by 2030 bringing the total (number of PCA churches in the midwest) to near 400. These churches will provide critical mass, - the foundation, catalyst, and resource - for long-term, effective church planting. Although we are not a PCA church, we believe the PCA is a great denomination and hope to help plant several PCA churches in the Twin Cities.