The one thing everybody knows is that things are not the way they are supposed to be. People-groups and cultures throughout all history have recognized this. Since the dawn of time, religious teachers and philosophers have tried to figure out what might make things better. And yet, the world remains a hard and tragic place.

At TCW, we believe God has a plan to totally transform the world and make it a place where everyone flourishes forever. We believe God is unfolding His plan to redeem and renew the world right now. It is happening in ways that are not always visible or tangible, but it's happening. And, we believe God is calling people to be a part of what He’s doing; both for His glory and for their joy.  

The primary way God is bringing the renewal the world needs is through the advance of the gospel. We are continually surprised at how few people in the western suburbs even know what the gospel is; and we believe God wants us to make it known. We want everyone to know the gospel is not about what we're supposed to do for God; but, rather, it is about what God has done for us in Christ. 

We believe we are part of something that is of immeasurable significance.  This isn't because of anything special in or about us. Rather, it is all because of who God is and his commitment to rescue sinners like us and redeem this broken world. This is good news. And we'd love for you to join us. 


Trinity Church Wayzata exists to be a surprisingly loving and welcoming congregation where anyone and everyone can experience radical grace, enjoy genuine community, and engage in the renewal of society; for the glory of God and the good of the Twin Cities.


To make the unexpectedly good news about Jesus Christ known in the western suburbs; through gospel-centered worship, teaching, and service.


Radical GRACE
We strive to extend grace to one another just like God has extended grace to us.

We recognize everything we are and everything we have is from God; not us.

Spiritual GROWTH
We make an effort to grow spiritually by practicing the ordinary means of grace.

We strive to reach people, and raise up leaders, from every generation. 

We give generously of our time, talent, and treasure because God has been generous to us. 



Everything we do at Trinity is centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are committed to avoiding the two ditches on the sides of the gospel road: relativism and legalism. We avoid relativism (nothing is truly true) by taking God at His word and humbly submitting to the things He has revealed therein. We avoid legalism (salvation by works) by ensuring the gospel is preached and taught consistently along with regular reminders that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ, and not by what we do. 


We believe Reformed Theology provides the most faithful articulation of the teaching/doctrine found in God's word. However, we also strive to avoid being dogmatic and rigid. Our goal is to enjoy and promote Reformed Theology while honoring and respecting our sisters and brothers in Christ who hold different (biblically warranted) beliefs.   

CITY-FACING (a.k.a. Missional)

We believe the primary responsibility of a local church is to preach the gospel and make disciples. And yet, we believe well-made disciples who faithfully live in a manner worthy of the gospel will joyfully and passionately labor to be salt and light in their city. We believe well-made disciples will seek to be a blessing where they live, work, and play. And we believe well-made disciples labor to see mercy and justice prevail within their areas of influence. For these reasons, we are longing and laboring to have a lasting impact on the Twin Cities for Christ.  We do this through our ministries, various partnerships, and church planting.  


We believe there is no more effective way to advance the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ than planting new churches; locally and globally. Although Trinity herself is a church plant, we are already dreaming and planning to plant more churches. If God sees fit to bless us with numerical growth, we intend to send out Launch Teams to plant more churches in the Twin Cities. 




Trinity Church Wayzata (TCW) has been a church in the making since 2017. A handful of faithful Christian families have been laboring since then to start a gospel-centered, Reformed, City-facing church in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. In June of 2021, TCW called Rev. Matt Ryman to be their church planter & pastor. He and his family moved over the summer and he began working in September. 


TCW hosted interest meetings and networked with people in the area in order to identify and recruit faithful Christians to join the Launch Team (LT). TCW does not have a mother church (we are what's called a "scratch plant") so this was a long process. Once TCW had its LT in place, we began planning and preparing to launch public worship services.  


TCW began public worship on October 9, 2022. We also began our various ministries (children's, youth, women's, men's, and mercy ministries). Since opening, TCW has been growing spiritually and numerically and making an impact on the community. Anyone and everyone is welcome at TCW; and we've seen God draw people from varying backgrounds and life-experiences. Our non-judgmental approach has enabled people with very little church experience, as well as life-long church-goers, to feel equally welcome, valued, and important. A number of individuals and families have gone through our membership process and we had our first membership Sunday in August of 2023. We countinue to focus on church health.  


TCW has a strong focus on church health. We want TCW to be a place where newcomers feel welcome and wanted, where church members experience genuine community and spiritual growth, and where church members are equipped and encouraged to use their God-given gifts and talents to be salt and light in our city. 


If, in God's providence, TCW reaches a lot of people in the western suburbs of Minneapolis, we intend to send out Launch Teams to plant more Gospel-centered, Reformed, City-facing churches in the Twin Cities.