Our Pastor

Screenshot 2023-11-19 at 1.20.51 PMRev. Matt Ryman was born in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. He has lived other places, but the Twin Cities have always felt like home. And now, much to Matt’s delight, the Lord has called him to serve as the Pastor / Church Planter of Trinity Church. He and his family moved here from Florida in the summer of 2021.

Matt has been in pastoral ministry for 16 years. He earned a Master of Divinity degree in 2009 from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in 2010. He has served as a ministry director, assistant pastor, associate pastor, and senior pastor. And he is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry degree. 

MattMatt has been married to Hana for 18 years. They have four great kids and one loyal dog. The Ryman family is very excited about the future of Trinity Church; and they hope you’ll be a part of it!

Email Matt


Our Progress

Phase 1: Founding families unite around a shared vision

Trinity Church Wayzata (TCW) has been a church in the making since 2017. A handful of faithful Christian families have been laboring since then to start a gospel-centered, Reformed, City-facing church in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. In June of 2021, TCW called Rev. Matt Ryman to be their church planter & pastor. He and his family moved over the summer and he began working in September. 

Phase 2: Forming the Launch Team

TCW hosted interest meetings and networked with people in the area in order to identify and recruit faithful Christians to join the Launch Team (LT). TCW does not have a mother church (we are what's called a "scratch plant") so this was a long process. Once TCW had its LT in place, we began planning and preparing to launch public worship services.  

Phase 3: Public Worship 10/09/22

TCW began public worship on October 9, 2022. We also began our various ministries (children's, youth, women's, men's, and mercy ministries). Since opening, TCW has been growing spiritually and numerically and making an impact on the community. Anyone and everyone is welcome at TCW; and we've seen God draw people from varying backgrounds and life-experiences. Our non-judgmental approach has enabled people with very little church experience, as well as life-long church goers, to feel equally welcome, valued, and important. A number of individuals and families have gone through our membership process and we had our first membership Sunday in August of 2023. We countinue to focus on church health.  

Phase 4: Church Health 

TCW has a strong focus on church health. We want TCW to be a place where newcomers feel welcome and wanted, where church members experience genuine community and spiritual growth, and where church members are equipped and encouraged to use their God-given gifts and talents to be salt and light in our city. 

Phase 5: Church Planting

If, in God's providence, TCW reaches a lot of people in the western suburbs of Minneapolis, we intend to send out Launch Teams to plant more Gospel-centered, Reformed, City-facing churches in the Twin Cities.