The Things That Are God’s
Preacher: Matt Ryman Series: How Jesus Became King Topic: The Gospel Scripture: Mark 12:13–17
Someone has to give to God what belongs to God and justice is owed to God. Who is going to give justice to God? It’s either you and I or it’s someone capable of rendering to God the things that are God’s by taking the wrath of God’s justice.
The gospel is the good news that Jesus rendered to God the things that are God's on our behalf. In this sermon we explore our relationship with politics, government, and knowing God's design through the lens of the bible and the book of Mark.
other sermons in this series
Oct 6
Love God; Love People
Preacher: Matt Ryman Scripture: Mark 12:28–34 Series: How Jesus Became King
Sep 29
Scripture and Power: The Foundation of Faith
Preacher: Matt Ryman Scripture: Mark 12:18–27 Series: How Jesus Became King
Sep 15
The Stone the Builders Rejected
Preacher: Matt Ryman Scripture: Mark 12:1–17 Series: How Jesus Became King